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Latest news from Søstrene Grene

Blue, bright, and soft: Add four of this autumn’s interior trends to your home with Søstrene Grene’s autumn collection thumbnail

Blue, bright, and soft: Add four of this autumn’s interior trends to your home with Søstrene Grene’s autumn collection

’Tiny Stories’ is the title of Søstrene Grene’s upcoming autumn collection that offers inspiration for decorating the home in a creative and functional way with plenty of personality. Get a sneak peek of the collection that will be launched in stores and online on 29 August 2024.

Chrome, colour block and a chair in a brand-new design: Get a sneak peek of Søstrene Grene’s 2024 spring collection thumbnail

Chrome, colour block and a chair in a brand-new design: Get a sneak peek of Søstrene Grene’s 2024 spring collection

Colour block ceramics, new posters and one of the biggest current trends – chrome – in the shape of both shelves, jug, and the frame of a lounge chair in a brand-new duvet-inspired design. Get a preview of Søstrene Grene’s spring collection, Moments, which will be launched in stores and online on 1 February 2024.

News for the big day: Wedding celebration with love in every detail thumbnail

News for the big day: Wedding celebration with love in every detail

Summer is the peak wedding season, and when it comes to creating a wonderful setting for the big day, it is all about the little details. Whether the wedding celebration is grand or an intimate gathering, Søstrene Grene offers plenty of inspiration and affordable finds for table settings, festive decorations, and even gift wrapping well-suited for the big day. The news will be available in stores and online from Thursday 27 March.

10 lovely projects and guides for a cosy outdoor space and activities in the open air thumbnail

10 lovely projects and guides for a cosy outdoor space and activities in the open air

This season's outdoor moments are all about enjoying hygge and fun projects under the open sky. At Søstrene Grene, you can find wonderful inspiration for everything from decorating the outdoor space to pre-sprouting, as well as fun outdoor activities for both young and old. To celebrate the arrival of spring and summer, the sisters’ DIY experts have gathered 10 projects and inspirational guides that are both simple and fun to dive into. Here in the image bank, you will find mood images of Søstrene Grene's inspirational content for garden and outdoor living.