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10 kreative DIY-idéer til påskens hyggestunder

Foråret er lige om hjørnet, og med det kommer påsken – en tid fyldt med hygge, samvær og kreativitet. Hos Søstrene Grene er der, som altid, masser af inspiration at hente til hyggelige projekter for både store og små, der kan bringe glæde og forårsstemning ind i hjemmet.

Inspireret af forårsbebudere, farver og materialer, har søstrenes DIY-eksperter samlet 10 udvalgte projekter, som er både enkle og hyggelige at fordybe sig i – alene eller sammen med en kær. Her finder du guides og inspiration til at lave alt fra hjemmelavede påskeæg og papirklip til kreative borddekorationer og kranse.

Bliv klar til forårets fest i kreativitetens tegn, og skab minder, der kan fremvises år efter år.

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Number of files 41
Total size 731.61 MB
Created date 4 February, 2025
Last updated 4 February, 2025
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Easter eggs with pressed flowers_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
Easter eggs with pressed flowers_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
Easter eggs with pressed flowers_Easter at Sostrene Grene (1).jpg
Easter eggs with pressed flowers_Easter at Sostrene Grene (1).jpg
Easter eggs with pressed flowers_Easter at Sostrene Grene (4).jpg
Easter eggs with pressed flowers_Easter at Sostrene Grene (4).jpg
Easter eggs with pressed flowers_Easter at Sostrene Grene (3).jpg
Easter eggs with pressed flowers_Easter at Sostrene Grene (3).jpg
Easter wreath with eggshells_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
Easter wreath with eggshells_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
Easter wreath with eggshells_Easter at Sostrene Grene (1).jpg
Easter wreath with eggshells_Easter at Sostrene Grene (1).jpg
Felt Easter eggs_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
Felt Easter eggs_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
Felt Easter eggs_Easter at Sostrene Grene (1).jpg
Felt Easter eggs_Easter at Sostrene Grene (1).jpg
Yarn sheep_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
Yarn sheep_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
Yarn sheep_Easter at Sostrene Grene (1).jpg
Yarn sheep_Easter at Sostrene Grene (1).jpg
Beaded Easter eggs_Easter at Sostrene Grene (3).jpg
Beaded Easter eggs_Easter at Sostrene Grene (3).jpg
Beaded Easter eggs_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
Beaded Easter eggs_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
Paper Easter wreath_Easter at Sostrene Grene (1).jpg
Paper Easter wreath_Easter at Sostrene Grene (1).jpg
Paper Easter wreath_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
Paper Easter wreath_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
Easter eggs with patchwork fabric_Easter at Sostrene Grene (1).jpg
Easter eggs with patchwork fabric_Easter at Sostrene Grene (1).jpg
Easter eggs with patchwork fabric_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
Easter eggs with patchwork fabric_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
Painted egg animals_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
Painted egg animals_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
Painted egg animals_Easter at Sostrene Grene (1).jpg
Painted egg animals_Easter at Sostrene Grene (1).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (6).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (6).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (5).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (5).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (4).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (4).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (3).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (3).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (1).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (1).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (12).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (12).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (11).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (11).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (10).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (10).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (9).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (9).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (8).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (8).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (7).jpg
5 decorative Easter branches_Easter at Sostrene Grene (7).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (6).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (6).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (5).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (5).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (3).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (3).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (2).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (1).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (1).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (13).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (13).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (12).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (12).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (11).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (11).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (10).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (10).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (8).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (8).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (7).jpg
7 splendid Easter decorations_Easter at Sostrene Grene (7).jpg